
Welcome to my Vegan Family Kitchen!

Spring meal plan template + Are you getting all the nutrients you need?

Published 24 days ago • 2 min read

Hello there, what's cooking this week?

Worried about nutrition on a plant-based diet?

I'll tell you straight up: if you are eating a diversity of plant foods including

  • lots of vegetables,
  • a cup or more of beans or bean products every day,
  • and mostly whole grains,
  • eating enough calories to meet your energy needs,
  • plus supplementing B12,

it's unlikely that you are short on anything.

There, I just saved you an hour.

But maybe you still have concerns about plant-based nutrition, and that's totally understandable in our social context.

If you would like to equip yourself with some basic knowledge about protein, iron, and calcium to boost your confidence when it comes to feeding yourself and your loved ones, consider signing up for my upcoming free webinar:

Live webinar
Plant-Based Meal Planning with Nutrition in Mind: Protein, Iron, and Calcium

My educational monthly-ish webinars and workshops are intended to support members of my audience in their journey towards eating more plants and cooking at home more often. There isn't always a replay, so I hope you can make it live on Zoom!

Plan, Prep, and Relax is almost here!

After months of preparation, I finally settled on a title (!) and started recording the videos for Plan, Prep, and Relax: Plant-Based Batch Cooking for Busy Beginners. I'm super excited and relieved that the tech aspect is coming together, too.

The course will be a hands-on journey that will get you in the kitchen, batch cooking with me with cook-along videos you can follow at your own pace. When you are through, you'll know how to create your own healthy, stress-free everyday meals without recipes, based on building blocks you cook on the weekend. There'll also be lots of supporting content about meal planning and nutrition. Curious? Learn more and get on the waitlist here!

Learn more and get on the waitlist
for Plan, Prep, and Relax
Plant-Based Batch Cooking for Busy Beginners

Attention gardeners!

Is this going to be the season where you start applying veganic principles to your garden? My friend Meg Kelly's course Learn Veganic is open (and I think the early-bird pricing ends today). I'm not an affiliate! Just wishing to spread the love for a cleaner, gentler way to grow food. You can also catch Meg on the Vegan Family Kitchen Podcast, right here.

Meal plan template

Need a quick meal plan for next week? Download and print my "mad libs" style meal plan for spring greens! It's free and fun:

Vegan Meal Plan Template - Load Up on Spring Greens

Keep on cooking,


p.s. Cooking for one or two people? The Mini Vegan Meal Plans can save you from getting stuck in a rut by supplying you with new wholesome recipes every two weeks. The Minis are included in all Vegan Meal Plan subscriptions. Steal some ideas here for your next meal plan, or consider subscribing. Learn more here: Vegan Meal Plans or hit reply if you have questions.

Welcome to my Vegan Family Kitchen!

Everyone is welcome.

Let me inspire you to plan, prep, and cook simple healthy vegan meals for yourself and your loved ones.

Read more from Welcome to my Vegan Family Kitchen!

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