
Welcome to my Vegan Family Kitchen!

Everyone is welcome.

Let me inspire you to plan, prep, and cook simple healthy vegan meals for yourself and your loved ones.

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Video guide to protein + menopause + a local event

Hello there, what's cooking? Here's some quick news from the Vegan Family Kitchen. NEW on YouTube: Plant PROTEIN Power Are you getting enough protein? What foods should you be eating to make sure you are getting enough? What about kids, seniors, and athletes? Is is OK to only eat white bread? Answers to these questions and everything you need to know about protein in my most recent YouTube video. What does batch cooking have to do with menopause? It was a delight to join Anna Pelzer on The...

5 days ago • 1 min read

Hello there, what's cooking? I want to write to you about the ultimate luxury in life: slack. Today I had the bittersweet pleasure of attending the celebration of life of two dear neighbors, an older couple, both of whom passed away in the past two years. They were both amazing people, who I miss very much. I was closer to the wife, Monica, who was a peerless community organizer. She loved bringing people together. Gathering with so many of their relatives, friends, and colleagues, and...

19 days ago • 2 min read

Hello there, what's cooking this week? Worried about nutrition on a plant-based diet? I'll tell you straight up: if you are eating a diversity of plant foods including lots of vegetables, a cup or more of beans or bean products every day, and mostly whole grains, eating enough calories to meet your energy needs, plus supplementing B12, it's unlikely that you are short on anything. There, I just saved you an hour. But maybe you still have concerns about plant-based nutrition, and that's...

25 days ago • 2 min read

Hello friend, what's cooking? What's your go-to for the weekend? Is it your special time to play and experiment with a new recipe? Do you like someone else to treat you to dinner (another household member cooking for you, eating at someone else's table, eating out or getting take-out)? Do you end up eating all the leftovers so you can start the new week with a fresh fridge? Just curious! Let me know. The perfect meal planning strategy I wanted to make a video about this but, oh! irony, my...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hello friends, what's cooking? We returned from Japan last Friday and have been far more jetlagged than - personally - I thought I would be. Thankfully though there was Cooking Club last weekend and I had to show up (being the organizer and all...). So, between my oven risotto, cauliflower-and-bean stroganoff, and cream of broccoli (see menu in the p.s. below), practically all of the week's meals were taken care of. (We did have pizza one night because it was my husband's birthday dinner, on...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hello there, any big cooking plans for the weekend? Not for me! I am off to Japan tomorrow with no plans to cook for at least a week... and even then, it will be super simple. We do have an AirBnB with a kitchen for three days midway through the 2-week trip, and I know my son in particular will be craving some quiet meals at "home." Eating out can be a bit stressful when you have a limited list of foods on your "green" list. When I do cook, it will probably be mostly noodles and tofu with...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Hello there, what's cooking? I'm happy to announce that the Healthy Vegan Batch Cooking Club is coming back for another term, starting Sunday March 24th and meeting every other week until the end of June. If you'd like to know what it's about, and register, check out my website now. To learn more about the benefits of belonging to a cooking club and how they can be run in person or online (perhaps getting inspired to run your own!), check out the YouTube video I just posted now. Or read my...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, what was the hardest thing in the kitchen for you this past week? Forgive me for tooting my own horn here, but this is a special moment for me. After seven years of work, I finished the last revision of the Vegan Family Meal Plans and assembled it all into a single PDF. Look at this! Phew! It was a big push to get it done but I'm really glad to have the resource available now for my lifetime meal plan subscribers. In the process, I reflected on the lessons I have learned as a...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, what's cooking? Did you have any really good food this week? Meals that not only satiated you, tasted good, and nourished your body, but also made you feel connected to the world around you? If not, what needs to change to make them possible? Next free event: pick the topic Should I be talking about... "How to deal with selective (picky) eaters at your table" "Meal planning and batch cooking for one or two people" OR... something else? => Hit reply and let me know what you need...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hello there, what's cooking? Is there a meal from this past week that stands out as particularly nourishing? Next Friday November 24th, a.k.a. Black Friday, I am holding a special event! Read on: Ah! The Holidays! I enjoy a colorful array of delicious (and even sometimes decadent!) holiday classic dishes (veganized as needed!), but there's something I enjoy even more: Sharing a big pot of simple but heart-and-soul warming soup, and focusing on the company instead of getting overwhelmed with...

6 months ago • 1 min read
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